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On-time development time  - Specific developments

On-time development time

Enjoy the flexibility by hiring a PrestaShop expert for the hours you need, without being subject to permanence. Test it.

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AWPrime €78.65 info View more
AwPOSTPV for PrestaShop module  - Modules for the Back Office

AwPOSTPV for PrestaShop module

Touch POS that attaches your physical store and online. You can control orders, stock, print tickets, generate invoices and tickets gift... All with a single module and on a single screen. Designed for PrestaShop store.

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AWPrime €195.90 info View more
Module Payment of advances by bank transfer  - Payment gateways

Module Payment of advances by bank transfer

Prepayment form by bank transfer, where you can specify the percentage to be paid in advance and the remainder of the payment to be paid when the order is delivered or received.

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AWPrime €45.90 info View more
Hosting Basic for Prestashop  - Hosting for PrestaShop

Hosting Basic for Prestashop

Shared hosting optimized for Prestashop. Our Hosting is 100% compatible with Prestashop and have been optimized to offer the best performance.

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AWPrime €116.16 info View more
Certificate SSL 256 bit Rapid SSL  - hosting Prestashop

Certificate SSL 256 bit Rapid SSL

RapidSSL® certificates help keep safe transactions from your customers using an encryption of 256 bit, accelerating through the inscription with the automatic validation of domain control. 

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AWPrime €108.90 info View more