How to make the description of hundreds or thousands of products?

He began to be interested by the content of your online store and elaborate descriptions, unique and quality of your products, whether 10 or 10,000. Here we will give you some tricks and keys that will no doubt help you to write better and faster all the contents of your products.
Actualizado: 15/10/2015 2338
How to make the description of hundreds or thousands of products?

You've heard hundreds of times that the content of your online shop is essential, and even more from the last change of Google's algorithm which valued and very positively those pages that are concerned to create, own and exclusive quality content both in their categories, CMS, like products. That is why today we focus just on this aspect, the CONTENT.

The truth is that no magic formula that allows us to write quickly, effective and correct the content of our website there is, and that is why today we will give you some guidelines and keys It will help you much in addressing this task tedious but very beneficial.

How should the content of the products?

Ideas para palabras claves a incluir en tus descripcionesThe content of your online shop should be developed, exclusive (it is prohibited to copy, since esto will only help you get a Google penalty) and quality. Those are the three premises that you have recorded in your mind.

Firstly, it is important to use correctly the H1 and H2 tags in the elaboration of the product descriptions. In this case you must use the H1 tag for the name of the product and the H2 tags to highlight the headers that estructuraran description.

* Recommendation: Before you start, I recommend you do a little research by making a listing with all of those related keywords or synonyms that may be relevant to your product and why this can be searched. This list will help you create the headlines that we talked about earlier and the correct wording content.

Descripciones de productos en tiendas PrestashopMore than 1000 items?, how to deal with this?

If you have only 10 or 20 products maybe this is not one of your biggest problems, since in a matter of a bit of time and effort you've been able to make these descriptions of elaborate form. However, if your online store has hundreds and even thousands of products seems impossible, however, the issue of generating unique and developed descriptions of products Nothing's impossible.

In this case at least, miracles do not exist!. So you get to start one by one, take it slowly but surely. Depending on your time you engaged in X hours each day, week... as best, but certainly begins now, since the contents of your shop is essential both for the search engine par excellence to your clients and your conversions.

Some tricks that can help you

1. as we have mentioned make a small list of keywords most important and having it very present at the time of start to write.

2 carries out the brief description listing the most interesting qualities or values of your product or service. Keep in mind that it will be the first thing your customers to read and therefore it must be interesting enough so that "they engage" your product.

3. the long description... here comes the big problem. But like everything in this life, it also has a solution.

You should start with a good introductory paragraph containing the maximum number of possible related keywords, but they should appear in a way natural without over - to optimize, i.e. to write in a way natural and directed the user to. Beware of too much repeat the same keyword, Use synonyms!.

Subsequently, structured content helping you to do this in headlines in H2. In this way you can both highlight the important words for readability to the user.

How to learn to generate unique content?

Ayuda para elaborar descripciones de productos en PrestashopIf you have to make a hundred or more descriptions of products you'll wonder how you can create different descriptions for similar products and that all of them are original, avoiding the duplicate content right?

No one like you knows your products, so help this. Put yourself in the place of the user and think what would you like to know about that product (materials, composition, ingredients, performance...) and write it all down, taking absolutely nothing for granted.

To help you you can do an easy exercise, looking for that article on google and check the pages of your competitors, forums, customer reviews... This will provide you valuable data to include in your description. If you see the question of a client or an interesting comment, use it. Solution to that problem or explains the qualities that other users of that product stand out.

Without a doubt, the development of quality content and unique is a job that will take you much time or money, if you leave the development of this in the hands of others. But we can assure you that without a doubt worth. A job well done is noticeable and undoubtedly, this improvement will allow you to go up positions, since this aspect is probably increasingly more valued by Google and also by your customers.

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