Increase the cost of your customers' trolleys (I)

At this time of the year in which the Christmas begins to take control of the streets, stores and television, is one of the best moments to encourage purchases of our customers with promotions and offers. There are different techniques to achieve a customer cart is full and you now have some of them.

Actualizado: 13/10/2023 1846
Increase the cost of your customers' trolleys (I)

Still missing a few months for the arrival of Christmas, but it is already beginning to notice how broadcasters begin broadcasting ads typical of those dates. We only need the of "returns home again" and the national lottery to strengthen more still the Christmas feeling and if they already broadcast of Freixenet, "turns off and let's go". Yet it must be recognized that at parties, consumption increases notably and all try a little to open the Pocket to the Christmas joy. Overall, Christmas is only once a year and to repent and to trim budget we have throughout the year.


Thus, it is always good to have in these times some incentive in our products, which make appealing and uncontrollable movement of the finger to the click of the mouse on the typical button that has a simple image of basket. These incentives may include different types of offers and forms, causing them to be from other products in the store, items produced by the company such as marketing, coupons, discounts or any other method that causes satisfaction and how often the client.


All this, along with a good staging (landings, banners...) might make an interesting mix to the end user (as long as we do not move in ratios, such as lime and sand). In addition, note that it is always interesting, if you can, indicate and highlight a date of expiration of the offer. It not only will make it easier to measure the campaign, they will create a sense of urgency for users who visit the store.


I describe below a few of the above can apply always keeping in mind the gift/discount factor and that with our modules is easy application and configuration.  


Non-quantifiable items

This part comes in handy in products of marketing in which we have a limit but at any time, it is interesting to know how many have been or exactly to who. This way of acting quite happens at tobacconists (typical lighters), supermarkets (who has not tested any free chocolate bar) and gas stations (especially in times of world with its typical balls).


The module of Megacanones not only allows us to make increases in the product by taxes, services and guarantees. We can also define this type of articles, determine their description and even in case of various types, determine the options that interest us most in each case. If it is not a gift but an affordable product, we can also define the price and its applied tax. You can also add it to products or categories of products that we are most interested.


Let's see an example of this... In the registration form of the Canyon, we will define a gift item that the customer can select the color (in this case is a t-shirt).


Formulario de canon


In the product page can choose to select which color shirt (note that there are other types that are not free like this but that that are created with the Megacanones module). In our case, select shirt black and on the way that I am and seeing the offer that there is, I get also glasses (that are sure are discounted... too cheap).


Página de producto



At all times, in the dropdown shopping cart, as well as the confirmation of the order, we can see how items are always visible. This display is also, for the record, mail, backoffice and invoice orders.


So see the dropdown cart


carrito ajax



And so the cart is





In the next post I will discuss more details of how to add gifts (type nxm, n + m, etc) and ensuring the regularity of our customers.


A greeting,

Fees for products in Prestashop module  - Addons from PrestaShop

Fees for products in Prestashop module

This module allows the allocation of cannons or options extras to our products PrestaShop, configuring them completely Depending on our needs and our products.

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