Are you ready for Black Friday?

It is exactly one month for numbers countries, among them Spain, is celebrated the most popular Black Friday. This American tradition that crossed the pond just 3 years ago, marks the kick off to the holiday shopping.
Where does your name come from?
Although there are several theories to explain this curious name, one of the most accepted claims that the term Black Friday was born in Philadelphia in 1966 with the aim of describing the great collapse suffered by the roads the day after Thanksgiving. But it was not until 1975 when the term becomes popular in other States.
Another alternative theory that emerged later says that the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. UU, retailers started the Christmas sales. At this time of the year, retailers spent living in "red" to "the black" reason why he was baptized this day like Black Friday.
When did this tradition to Spain?
Since periods of sales in our country were regulated by law, merchants could not offer discounts outside of the established periods.
It was in the summer of 2012 when the Council of Ministers delegated this responsibility to own traders so that they themselves can decide when they want to offer discounts.
This was as of November 23, 2012 Spaniards enjoyed for the first time of their Black Friday.
I have a shop online, what can I do?
If you have an online store and want you to join the revolution of sales of this day, it is the time to start. Don't let your organization for the last week because then you may not get the results that you are proposing.
Then we are going to offer some key is not passed nothing overlooked.
1 plan your sales and get organized
One of the first questions you have to ask yourself if you want to offer black friday deals is what products are going to be on sale on that date, not to have surprises of last minute as lack of stock.
If your inventory depends on a supplier or manufacturing your products requires several days of work, it is considered that it is possible that your sales would increase substantially during that day so you need to be prepared. Talk to your suppliers and make sure that they are prepared to meet your needs and to meet the demand.
Select the products you want to sell that day, studies which are your articles star and the offer you want to offer to your customers.
2. be creative
Modify the design of your store, insert new banners and new images draw the attention of your customers and create a festive atmosphere at this time coming. Be creative, apply your style and brings a new image to your store, without ever losing the style of your company.
3. anticipate and informs your customers
Create interest and suspense about the offers you are going to offer during the Black Friday can help make your sales a success. Encourage your customers with your news through e-mail or publications on social networks that arouse the curiosity of your customers.
If you go by a campaign of email marketing must start now with the planning of your post ideas you can about where they can find this practice include:
-Announce the day/days on which will take place the Black Friday
-Remember that it is only a weekend for the big date.
-Advance for subscribers exclusive sales.
-Email early with offers for that day.
4 consider the option of having anticipated sales
If you have a product star, one who you know that it attracts your customers, you can consider an offer on the before Black Friday. That will appeal to your customers and other potential users and you can take advantage of his visit to inform you of all your products, offers and news.
5. what abandoned carts? NEVER
One of the problems that you can face that day are abandoned carts. Your task will be, first and foremost, keep this percentage as low as possible and, for that, you can choose to send an email prompting customer return and recovery of your cart. Cannot be any mail, working on it and manages to be sexy, showing the advantages of anticipate Christmas shopping and it convinces the user to come back and complete the purchase.
6 generates feeling of scarcity
During the year approaching, take a minute to decide to buy may not find the desired product. That is why, on a day like Black Friday in which prices are lowered and that many choose make Christmas purchases, using formulas such as "latest drives", "last hours", etc will encourage customers to complete their purchases.
7 reward to the usual
Although sales of that day can do that your sales will rise considerably, you can remember that the success of your business is largely fixed customers who make recurring purchases.
For this reason. Offer advantages over other users will make you feel important and special and will be able to become loyal and satisfied customers.
Some options are to give them the opportunity to access the sale a few hours before or offer exclusive offers.
8 always offers the same services as any other day
Although it may be difficult because the visits to your shop to multiply that day, offer quality customer service must to be one of your main concerns.
Integrate a chat live, offers quick and educated answers and tries to return policies are as simple as possible. For example, if you want to stimulate holiday shopping, a good option is allow your customers return items until after Reyes.
9 prepare your store for that day
If, after hard work and great effort the increase of traffic that day made that your store is very slow or falling, all your work may have been in vain. Test the capacity of loading and unloading of your store server and make sure that it is ready for what may come up.
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