How to improve the confidence of your online store

Christmas is over, and now, all we see on the horizon is the feared slope that we face each January. View as a consumer it costs us to reach the top, but what happens when we are the sellers? Prevent sales from falling sharply during these days depends, largely, of the trust clients put in us. In this post we will give you the keys to make your store a reference of security in buying online.
Actualizado: 12/01/2016 1358
How to improve the confidence of your online store

The human being is distrustful by nature and if you add to that the time in which we live, where scams and theft (of any type) are the order of the day, we will find ourselves with a few customers who are going to want to make sure that the purchase made is going to get them properly and will not suffer any fraud. If to this we add you that January is the worst month for sell. What can we do to maintain stability in our business during this time of the year?

If you rely on the mistrust that still exists in many people in to buy online is concerned, Why not we give confidence? Then I am going to indicate five key aspects to improve your public's confidence and thereby improve your conversion of orders:

1. certificate of security (SSL)

This same Christmas have seen through the news in what people is set at the time of buy online their gifts. Many times have heard they look to see if the online store has the? "padlock"? Without a doubt, this was the theme star repeated in the majority of interviews that various news people were standing.

Certificado SSL

PrestaShop is already prepared to implement the SSL certificate in a simple way, the only thing that we have to carry out is to acquire this certificate at our hosting provider.

2. customer service phone

Given that many people are not already familiar with online shopping, it is important to provide them with the personal treatment in any physical store. Therefore, customer service phone must be located in a prominent place of your websites, along with the hours of the store.

Téfono atención al cliente de Alabaz

It is also important that this phone number non-special pricingmore commonly known as the 902, 806, etc.

3. online Chat

This is another alternative to give your online store the personal treatment that lacks. If you can offer both options, phone and online chat, much better since many users prefer to establish a written conversation to resolve their small doubts or simply to verify that behind the web site, there is one person working and is not a web abandoned or similar.

chat online en linea

4 customer reviews

Surely you have ever wondered: do know X store?, what is?, did you have any problems with them?

People tend to make us firsthand how is the place where we go to make the purchase before formalising it. For this reason, it is important to enable your Web site a space where customers can indicate their respect buy opinion made.

It is important that these opinions are true and regards. In addition, does not only publish those totally favorable to store comments, errors will learn and giving "face".

5. appearance and image of the shop

The majority of people who opens a store online believes that having a web "pretty" will get to sell, but they are wrong. This is one of the many aspects that can influence the confidence of clients but not the only one.

I put it in the last position because, despite believing that it is very important to maintain a good aesthetics and harmony on the pagemany people stop working on your site when it is "pretty" and this is not true. An online store requires constant work and the process of improvement, like any other type of business.

With these guidelines, you can increase sales and successfully overcome the dreaded January slope. Do not forget it: give confidence.

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