The formula of the eCommerce paddle grows in Spain

The formula of the e-commerce paddle. Everything can be sold online but will always be a business, and businesses have to pamper them.

Actualizado: 09/10/2023 1135
The formula of the eCommerce paddle grows in Spain

I've been concentrating on electronic commerce since 2005 and the truth is that I've already heard "almost of all" about projects and technical words that we use to call the different phases of an online store or its functionalities. As the saying everyday you will learn something new and today I have had know what the eCommerce paddle Thanks to a talk with the Lords of where explained me it.


Lately received more and more projects where actually user / entrepreneur really believe that it is possible to mount a virtual store and within a few weeks "without much effort" begin to receive orders, also hope to make the management of orders as quickly as possible to be able to dedicate to other things like the paddle. Actually what is called eCommerce paddle It is the management of 5 or 10 orders that have entered the store at night first thing in the morning, then went out to play paddle tennis but that if returning to see orders before eating to send 15 or 20 orders that arrived during the morning. I have very clear if the afternoon orders or not are regarded when using this formula of eCommerce ;)



In Alabaz we will continue to work to get our customers to get their virtual stores to be useful and profitable but we will use other more realistic methods.


Autor artículos sobre Prestashop Alberto GarcíaAuthor: Alberto Garcia

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