Determines how to measure your conversion rate

It is slowly beginning to change the thinking of e-commerce managers, begin to give more importance to the conversion of its stores against other less relevant aspects.
Has been one of the most heard phrases: "I want to is that many people in my shop to thus sell more..." But this dynamic is on the other hand, now the sentence is: "I want that customers who come into my shop ending up buying".
But how can measure changes in stores positively affect the conversion? This can be quantified through the percentage of conversion.
How to calculate the percentage of conversion of an online store?
The percentage or ratio of conversion is the ratio of the number of orders made divided between visits and multiplied by one hundred.
The number of orders will obtain it directly from our panel of administration of Prestashop in our "Orders" tab. While the number of visits will get it from Google Analytics.
Both data should be of the same period of time and it is advisable to get it on a monthly basis to see the impact of the actions on the web, both online and offline.
I sell much or little?
Once we have obtained the conversion rate always the same question, is this good?
It will depend much on the type of product that we sell, but I would say that a good percentage of conversion is 1.3% is exceeded.
If you get a lower percentage to 1% it is convenient to check the website for usability failures, improve customers confidence in your shop online or any other aspect that could negatively influence the conversion.
How do I improve this conversion rate?
There is not a fixed rule to improve conversion, since each business is a world and have to study it carefully. Many factors can influence this rate of conversion, as we talked in some old posts:
With work, consistency and many trials will be able to improve conversion, but you can always resort to professionals like us :)
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