Aid to SMEs to improve the online trading

Do you have a small business and want to improve your online shop? You're thinking about a new business idea but need help to take? Would you like to upgrade your company's technology? Would you like to expand your market? Learn here all subsidies and supports that various agencies put at your disposal and get all their benefits. Contact us and we will inform you of the best options available to you.
Actualizado: 11/01/2017 2192
Aid to SMEs to improve the online trading

If you are an SME and you are thinking in launch your business to the internet or you already have a shop but you need help to ensure that it is cost-effective and efficient, then you can not let escape the grants that you propose.

In this post we will updating all the information about this type of aid, so although not now fulfill the requirements of these first grants, do not you give up, sure that this year will be many more than that will benefit.

For the moment, we bring you several campaigns that surely that they interest you:

Aid to SMEs for the implementation of ICT


During 2017 is be allocated 5.6 million euros to digitization of 1,000 SMEs, SMEs and freelancers.

If you are considering building your online store or to improve that already have, you want to hire services of digital marketing, SEO, Social Media... need a POS or implement new payment platforms, can not miss this opportunity to escape because this project focuses precisely on that, to improve your business through new technologies.

ayudas y subvenciones para la implantación de tic en tu negocio

The amount of the subsidy will be of up to 85% (depends on the autonomous community) for investments in a maximum of €7,000 in technological development.

What actions you can perform with this grant?

The program includes any solution to help you improve your business through the new technologies, by what is available to aid all SMEss and freelancers, regardless of the degree of digitalization of your business. These are some of the actions that you can perform:

  • E-commerce: web design, development and/or improvement of your online store, catwalks of payments, WPO, e-invoicing, custom development, consulting.

  • Digital marketing: Search Engine Optimization SEO-SEM, digital marketing, social media, mobile applications...

  • Productivity in the cloud tools: POS, virtual reality, Big Data, CRM...

You don't know where to start? Don't worry, we We can advise you on the latest developments in the market and advise on how take advantage of new technologies in your business.

In addition, once also conducted this study of needs, we can take care of the project itself and manage support For you.

Simply call us at 91 874 68 57 or fill out our contact form here.


Support for digitization of SMEs projects

The last 17 December the granting of aid to Digitization of SMEs projects, according to the budget for the period from 2016.

The first thing that you should keep in mind that to qualify for this assistance, it is necessary that the company have headquarters or establishment of production in the Comunidad Valenciana.

Thanks to this help, you can subsidize the following costs:

ayudas para renovar hasrdware y software de tu empresa


  • The acquisition of software related to the development of digitization projects such as:

    • Software licenses

    • Development of custom applications

    • Costs for use of solutions and applications during the time of execution of the project

  • The acquisition of hardware and tangible assets:

    • Investments in hardware, sensors, automation and communications equipment.

    • Acquisition or adaptation of equipment goods directly and exclusively related information systems based on models Web 2.0. or subsequent developments of relationship management of the value chain, management of the lifecycle of products and services, and circular economy. Of course these goods must be installed in the establishment located in the Valencian Community.

  • External services:

    • Technical assistance, consulting services and equivalents used for diagnosis, development and deployment of services. Maximum amount: 15% of the total eligible cost or 12,000 euros.

Please note that, in any case, they will be eligible the taxes indirect when susceptible to recovery or compensation or income tax.

The aid will consist of a grant of up to 25% of eligible costs, not exceeded under any circumstances the Más del autor

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