Does your store meet Google's SSL requirements?

As of January, and with the launch of the new version of the browser chrome, Google will penalize all the web having no certificate SSL, i.e., all those that are not safe. Do you have your https protocol? Do you meet with the requirements of the browser? Do you know what you have to do to avoid sanctions? So we tell you everything here.

Actualizado: 08/03/2024 2587
Does your store meet Google's SSL requirements?

Google It has begun the year giving a story that, in a way, all were waiting for. Starting this year, the search engine is going to penalizing all sites that do not have SSL certificate or what is the same, the same browsing is not safe for the user. To prevent these "punishments" of Google, we need to have very clear a series of concepts.


What is the HTTPS protocol?

Https is a Security Protocol that it aims to make the connection to a web safe, in other words, it allows that the information to register on the site is protected.

Unlike the traditional http protocolThis secure protocol encrypts the information so that it is not accessible.


What is SSL certificate?

Certificate SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a protocol that is used to indicate to users that the web site you are accessing is authentic and reliable, and therefore, you can enter your personal data in a secure manner.

Thanks to this "seal" data between servidor-usuario and vice versa travel so completely encrypted and encrypted so that only they can be identified by the person who is sailing and that server. Thus our personal data bank, passwords, everything is protected from possible cyber attacks.


If you want to know more about how to get the long-awaited HTTPS on your website you can get more information here:


What will happen now?

Google has decided that from 2017 will "force" all websites to have an SSL certificate to ensure the safety of users. So be warned everyone sailing in websites without safety certificate It is not a secure site. If you still decide to continue navigating the site, surfers will be exposed to your data to be recorded without any type of protection.


pagina web segura con certificado ssl y protocolo httpsDo you think that it is something that can go unnoticed for customers? You are so wrong, because the search giant has also taken this possibility into account and will release a new version of your browser. Google Chrome v. 56 It will show a warning with the Word icon in the address bar "NOT SAFE"


If anyway you assume the responsibility to not install the SSL protocol in your shop, forget about occupy the top ranking in the search engine because Google is going to punish in SEO all sites that are not HTTPS. To this we must add that customers will avoid always buy at a potentially dangerous online store, so you will likely want to see how the visits to your site are radically reduced.


Now that you know the importance of the SSL certificate, you only have to contact us to install it on your server (if you have contracted our server optimized for Prestashop).

You can get detailed information here. And remember that if you have any questions you can write a ticket from your client area, call us at 91 874 68 57 or send us an email to [email protected].


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