WhatsApp Business arrives in Spain with new options

Last week he came to Spain version for business of the famous direct Messenger WhatsApp application. This new facet of WhatsApp allows the entrepreneur to have direct contact are your customers and answer all your questions and suggestions directly from your mobile phone, for free. In this post we will explain all WhatsApp Business News and how to configure them so that you can begin to enjoy all its benefits already.
Actualizado: 01/02/2018 3278
WhatsApp Business arrives in Spain with new options

whatsapp business comes to Spain




Last day 18 was presented the latest great addition to whatsapp, WhatsApp Business, providing services of attention to the client and direct communication with consumers directly from your mobile phone. Although, at first they said it would take a few weeks to get to Spain, just a week later is now available for download.

This new facet of whatsapp offers entrepreneurs the possibility of differentiate your business and your personal whatsapp account from one device, without having to provide your personal phone number to offer this service customer service to consumers.


You set your WhatsApp Business account

the phone will be different from your personal account



Like a personal WhatsApp account, business account will allow you to maintain a direct and instant contact with all customers who wants to answer a question, ask you any question... Due to the large number of users who have an account on whatsapp will not be surprising that in a short time become a vital channel for every business.

Although on an aesthetic level, both versions of WhatsApp happen to be identical (both can view chats, restore talks, backing, put your state...), the truth is that the version for business certain adjustments which will be very useful to control the service that you offer to your customers.

The first step that you must perform to create your business account is to create your profile. You will have to indicate the phone number to which you want to associate your business account. You should know that number cannot be the same as you have WhatsApp Messenger, your personal account, then you may not use WhatsApp two accounts at the same time.

When you have defined the number to associate your account Business will have to enter your name of company. It is important to think well that name going to put maybe You can not change it after. When you have defined company name, save it, and you can continue to the menu to configure other options.





The first change you'll see on the menu is showing is now a new option, company settingswhere you can configure the following new features:

new functionality of whatsapp business

-Profile. Here we find the first differences with respect to the version of WhatsApp user. In this new edition of the application can specify the address and mark the location on a map, add the category that belongs to the company, a Descriptionspecify the schedule and contact details as the email and the address of your web page.

in whatsapp business parents set up information about your business


-Statistics: Here the numbers of messages sent, delivered, read, and received are displayed.

-Message of absence: If a customer contact you but you are not available at the time you send automatically a message to apologize and tell you to contact him when possible. You can have it set up and disable it when you don't need it, and even configure the schedule that you want to be sent that message.

you set a message to send to your customers when you are not


-Welcome message: Would you like to say hello to a new customer to start a working relationship on the right foot? WhatsApp Business lets you configure a welcome message that will be sent to customers that you write for the first time or when they contact you after 14 days of inactivity.

Welcome to your new customers with a personalized messageQuick answers: This is another handy option that includes WhatsApp Business is that you can create messages predefined for various occasions. You can add a shortcut to take less time to send it to and create as many as you need.

quick answers to your whatsapp company account set up

Advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp Business

You've seen all the options offered by WhatsApp for companies. If not you still have it clear, then you leave a table with the advantages and disadvantages has so that you can decide to use it or not.



Advantages Disadvantages
Free  It is not available for iOS 
 Company profile   Whatsapp messenger different phone number 
  Quick answers   You cannot modify the name of the company
 Welcome messages Can not be used on more than one device 
 Absence messages  



Do you already have it clear? So if want to Download and start using Whatsapp new options for your business, you can obtain the application here.

We hope that this information will be useful and that WhatsApp Business help you more efficiently manage your clients.

Remember that if you have any questions you can get in touch with us calling 91 874 68 57, writing an email to [email protected], by sending a ticket from your user profile in AlabazWeb or a whatsapp to the 685 90 30 77

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