Configure PrestaShop 1.7 for megaproduct

If you have a store in PrestaShop 1.7 and want to take full advantage of MegaProduct, there are several issues that you should keep in mind. In this post you will see how you must configure products, attributes, categories, brands and all other elements of your Prestashop store to achieve maximum performance from your MegaProduct.

Actualizado: 19/03/2024 2401
Configure PrestaShop 1.7 for megaproduct

Before you start using MegaProduct prepares your PrestaShop 1.7 

Now you can begin to enjoy all the benefits of MegaProduct in your PrestaShop 1.7 store. Before you start using it you must configure certain aspects of your store to put in place the module with all its options. You just have to follow these steps to have your store ready.

It organizes your ecommerce products in categories

To facilitate and expedite the process of configuring, MegaProduct allows you to apply the same settings to different products within the same category. Therefore, before you begin the configuration we create categories. If you don't remember how you must create and configure PrestaShop 1.7 categories follow the steps described here

assigns the product to its category by default and improves seo

Add information about brands and suppliers

In the same way that other products, when you think an article to configure with megaproduct can specify information about the brands (formerly called manufacturers) and providers. These data will provide information to customers and will help you to organize the products. In addition also you benefit positioning SEO, since the search engines will take into account the information to position the products.

You can see the steps to create brands and vendors and associate them with a product in this link

indicates the brand or supplier of a product in prestashop 1.7

You configure carriers available in your store

Transport is a very important issue when it comes to set up shop in PrestaShop. For this reason, you must take into account PrestaShop working areas, understanding these areas like countries, provinces, cities... and that it is also necessary to create and configure them. You can see the steps necessary to do so here. Recuerca to You can set the weight and measures of the product directly in the moduleso it is possible that it's not necessary to indicate the carrier measures, depends on how you want to configure the product.  

Add all the products with attributes and features options

The attributes are the varieties that can have a product. For example, if you sell a dress, attributes can be color, size...

The attributes differ from the features is that they are selectable, i.e., the customer can choose color or the stature of a dress, but not the type of material or the composition which has been done.

Thanks to attributes you can generate combinations, giving rise to all the available variables of an article. In MegaProduct is not necessary to create these combinationsalready that the module allows to add those attributes individually and make the customer who selects the available options. However, it is essential to create the attributes and their values to configure the module. You can see how to create attributes and characteristics in PrestaShop 1.7 here. If you still want to work with combinations, the also allows to work with combinations that depend on PrestaShop, although it is not recommended. 

Configure your products to work with MegaProduct

Once you have configured all of the previous steps it is time to add the products to your PrestaShop store. You must only fill all fields of all tabs to complete the information. In This link You can see the process of creation of the products. However you must take into account certain issues when creating the product to configure it with MegaProduct:

-Price: In PrestaShop prices tab you can set the price of the product. This price does not affect the configuration of MegaProduct, unless you specify the module that this figure is used. If you add a price, this figure will be displayed in the list of products, but not taken into account to calculate the cost of the item.  Yes it is very important to configure are the rules since taxes than prices without taxes will be introduced in megaproduct, but then the % indicated in this section will be added to the total cost.

-Transport: When you set the transport tab you must take into account that it will only be necessary to indicate here the measurements and weight of your product if they do not depend on megaproduct options.  If they depend on the options chosen by the customer in the module must indicate it there himself.

-Combinations: As you know, one of the great advantages of MegaProduct is that It is not necessary to create combinations to enable customer to choose among all the product options. This entails a great advantage for your store when a product has a lot of options and combinations it's been that the loading speed your store is affected and, therefore, also other important issues such as the SEO. If however you want to generate combinations, module allows you to use them to create combinations dependent groups but would not be more advisable if your product has many options. Attributes will be displayed in the front office so that the client selects the combination that I wanted.

-Quantities: When you think the product in PrestaShop shall not require that you set amounts, since the stock of the product will be set to MegaProduct. What is recommended is active have the option to allow orders when there is no existence so the shop follow allowing to place orders. You can also put a very high amount of product to avoid not be able to buy the product.

-Images: The images that you add here will be those that appear in listings of products and the image of the product page. You must take into account that if later in the module you're using layers option to update the image based on the selection of the client are you modify.

configured product megaproducto. view of the front office

-Customization: Megaproduct also contains an option to add fields of text, images, wetransfer... so it will be not necessary to add them from the configuration of the product in PrestaShop at front.

I can have you configured all your PrestaShop 1.7 store options? It is now time to sell products of any size, weight or combination using all the possibilities that offers you MegaProduct. Whatever what you want to sell with MegaProduct you can.

If you have any questions just call us at 91 874 68 57 or send us an email with your questions to We look forward!

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