What happens when you can't update Prestashop?
At AlabazWeb we have developed a system that allows you to adapt any module for Prestashop to your old version 1.4.x

You may encounter the following situation: you have a Prestashop with an old version 1.4.x but your store is active, working perfectly, and your design is current and mobile-friendly, you sell and everything is ok but suddenly a new GDPR law appears and of course, Prestashop 1.4 does not comply. You start looking for modules and of course, everything available is only compatible with Prestashop 1.6 or Prestashop 1.7. It is at this moment that you start asking yourself:
Is it mandatory to update?
Will I lose all the SEO improvements from these years?
Will I lose my design that I have been improving for years?
Will I have to pay to adapt all my modules that I need for my store from version 1.4 to 1.6?
Will I have to pay for a complex update?
Will I lose all my usability improvements?
At Alabazweb, we have clients with 1.4.x stores from 2011. For an online project, talking about more than 5 years is talking about a lot of time. These stores have worked hard on:
improving their SEO
improving their functionality
optimizing and automating their processes.
improving their design and updating it several times.
They have adapted the security of their store to their server almost down to the smallest detail.
Prestashop keeps evolving and of course, new features appear that we want to add to our stores with versions 1.4.x
To achieve this, at AlabazWeb, we have developed a system that allows us to economically adapt our modules designed for Prestashop version 1.6 or Prestashop 1.7 to the old version 1.4.x
Please contact us to offer you a solution tailored to your needs.
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