Redsys for Prestashop payment module

How can you help our new Redsys for Prestashop payment module?

Actualizado: 09/10/2023 1282
Redsys for Prestashop payment module

If you are customer of an online store, what about if after paying, returning to the shop, an error of the type you: "your order has not been confirmed"?


Multiple responses that could give us are easy to imagine: baffled, defrauded, scammed, nervous, angry... And all of them are negative for both your customer and you as a seller.


How would you like to have a module that will save them these dislikes and which facilitate the correction of the error?


Surely already know how payment gateways work: customer enters your store, make a purchase and at the time of payment is redirected to the website of the payment gateway, where to enter the data. At the same time, Gateway maintains communication with the store, informing him that payment has been made to store report to the user that the request was successful. The problem comes when communication between Redsys and his store fails and the client is with the error message that we talked about at the beginning: "your order has not been confirmed".


To solve this problem, we have developed this module, which incorporates several features to help both you and your customers.


If there has been a problem and the order has not been registered the customer will find the following message to be redirected to your store:

Redsys error

On the other hand, the Manager of your store will also receive another message, in which communicate you the details related to the problem that there have been and are provided the link from which you can check the status of the order.



On the notifications tab, you can see all the orders and the errors in each one of them



Accessing the administration of our module, and once has proven panel redsys payment is successful, you can convert the operation in order.


This functionality allows us to avoid problems and bad experiences to the customer.


In addition, if for any reason one of their clients prompted the return of an order, you can make it without effort, clicking from each order.



Our module also allows you to create all the POS you need and select those that will be active and which not.



Sure that he is asking, "and will run this module with my Bank?". Almost all of the banks working with Redsys as payment platform, that will not have problems in this regard.


In addition, insurance that uses different POS for the different areas (one for Peninsula and another for the Islands, one by each country, etc), each of them with a charge differently or simply because in each zone uses a Bank for the issue that is... Since this does not present a problem, since Prestashop introduces you to some default areas that you can customize.



The last feature that offers the module is data provided by Redsys to facilitate the accounting work and also to facilitate the search for errors in any order.


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