New year... New law

As we all know, the new year brings with it, in addition to good purposes, diet to lose the pounds caught during Christmas and as expected gifts of Kings, the entry into force of new laws.
And this 2015 starts with a law that does not leave or leave anyone indifferent and has already generated more than one controversy: the new law of intellectual property.
For those who still do not they have heard about it, in this post we will try to clarify the points most significant and controversial reform of this law, which entered into force on Monday, January 5.
Among the points that includes the reform, can find sanctions increased to €600.000 and the collection to universities by the use of texts and manuals on the Virtual Campus (virtual platforms in which students can access all the necessary material for the subjects).
Although perhaps the most controversial points of the reform are the call "rate on Google"a payment that pages such as, for example, Google should be for publishing excerpts from news articles, which resulted that the U.S. giant has decided not to include in your Google News page fragments of the Spanish media to avoid the rate, and the inclusion in the category of piracy of the pages that facilitate an ordered list of links to other pages (as it is the case of Seriesly that it has decided to eliminate all the links on your page in order to avoid great penalties)
In addition, the reform also includes sanctions on the management of intellectual property entities (SGAE, CEDRO, BRIDESMAID, etc.) that fail to meet new standards of transparency and control, can reach up to € 800,000.
This point has been included to prevent new scandals in which was wrapped the SGAE a couple of years ago for an alleged crime of misuse of funds.
All these changes have made the means of communication, authors, users and, in general, all those affected by this law, spoiling the hands to the head, as all these changes will translate into less visits to their pages, higher rates to pay, or even the closure of different web pages.
As a last note about this reform, say that the Government has established the possibility of a new change in the term of one year, which we hope will not harden over this law to which more and more people and companies are opposed.
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