The best module for Prestashop's images and Youtube videos
With MegaGalleryPro you can include images and videos from Youtube in a shocking way thanks to its pop-up window that as well as being customizable, customer can directly buy the product without going back to the product page.
Actualizado: 09/10/2023
Not enough to be good... must also appear so. Design an online shop is as important as its functionality and usability. Why we must pay attention to display images and videos in the best way.
MegaGalleryPro is the best module to do this thanks to your pop-up, pop-up (or fancybox) showing images and Youtube videos of form in a same Gallery. In AlabazWeb we have not found a better module, therefore we have decided to design it and deploy it to our page.
In addition in the same window, customer may configure your product and add it to the cart. This makes that the customer can buy it without any distraction. As simple as clicking on the image or the video and add it to the cart.
Everything is customizable, from the slider that shows thumbnails and viewed with just the mouse, up to the size of the images, video and its miniature.
Its configuration is simple:
1 Add the product images from catalog/product/images
2 Add the URL of the Youtube video from Mega Gallery of products
2.1 you have three options to include the video image:
A) assign the video to one of the images created from catalog/product/images
(B) use the image by default from youtube
(C) or use the icon by default of the module
3. customization of measures and other parameters:
To activate the youtube video thumbnail and set up measures to which the module applies by default to the images and the video, you will have to access the module configuration from the Prestashop modules tab.
-Change the position of the slider and defines its length
-Change the dimensions box and images
-Change the dimensions of the video and activates / deactivates the thumbnail of the video from Youtube. You can also play videos in HD quality
-Change the color of the pop-up sale or fancybox
Finally, always you can restore settings by default clicking on restore
It is certainly the most complete module to include images and videos in a same Gallery. If you want to try it don't look for demos: we already have it installed on What better way to test a demo than a real store like ours?
With this module you can insert images and Youtube videos on the same page of the product. A pop-up window with the Gallery of images, videos, and the button will appear to "add to cart", accelerating the buying process.
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