SEO and Marketing with Prestashop

Tips for the implementation of your virtual store with Prestashop
Actualizado: 03/11/2012 1020
SEO and Marketing with Prestashop

The importance to promote your online store

To put in place a virtual shop must bear in mind that we must make a good marketing campaign to inform our new online trade, and this will give us an increase in the sales of our products.

A good way to publicize our virtual trade and increase the number of sales is to appear in the top positions of search engines. This technique is what experts call "SEO positioning".

To do so, we must do our website attractive to the eyes of the search engines, for example, organizing their tags html, its usability, providing it with relevant content, etc.


posicionamiento seo y marketing con prestashop

SEO positioning


The algorithm by which the search engines analyze pages and positioned them in constant change and it is not possible to know 100%, but this tends to keep a few important principles stated below:

-Quality and organization of content

-Usability page

-Age of the domain.

-Number of pages that refer to our website.

In this article we will discuss the Organization of content to position a Prestashop store and provide some important clues to increase it.

What does organize content?

The Organization of content is to provide a page of different HTML tags that help users and search engines to understand what we wanted to convey to users who visit it as a store managers.

How to improve our Organization's content?

The following scheme when adding content to our Prestashop stores must be followed according to the recommendations of the search engine Google:

-Texts in Prestashop

Use header tags to tell the search engines that you these teaching and using code CSS show it in the same way to the user of the Web. An example quite clear is that the titles of articles when within your tab should always be within an < h1 > < /h1 > product name tag bear this in mind since many free templates that exist for Prestashop fail this simple premise. It is very important that every single page there is a < h1 > tag since it will be that instruct search engines that is important on each page.

Starting from here and depending on the content of the article should use tags to < h2 > < h3 >, < h4 > subtitles etc. Finally the paragraph text should always be within a < p > tag.


Always specify the search engine label alt for images uploaded to our products or descriptions of these. This tag must be a clear and concise description of what you see in the image.

The images must have defined a "height" and "width", this is added directly by the editor of Prestashop but be careful when changing the image and never you redimensionéis them from the editor, always upload images to the actual size.


Certainly the most important is to give our store a good content even without adding any of the tags previously mentioned we can be in the first position of the search but alert, not always maintain your position if someone makes it a 0.1% better than you.

Finally please think your clients when setting up your Virtual store, not search engines, also keep in mind that Google is working very hard on a modification of its algorithm to understand humans.

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