How to add value to your online store

The value propositions through differentiation can be the key to make your business successful. This is especially relevant in dropshipping shops since your products will be the same as the competition. Today we show you some options to achieve such differentiation and and tools AlabazWeb Pro puts at your disposal so make it a lot easier.

Actualizado: 09/10/2023 1380
How to add value to your online store

When there are several shops that sell products equal or very similar and are well positioned, users doubts him on what to buy. This is the moment in which the differentiation and the added values are key to get a new customer.

If one of these stores give away shipping, sends the product in less time, gives a discount or better informs me about the features of the articles, then it is likely customer decant is one of those shops.


This type of differences become even more essential if it's a dropshipping business. In this type of business, in addition to having the same products than your direct competitors, you have to adjust to the prices recommended by your dropshipper or dare not to obtain a percentage of profits as high as expected.


That is why, as we are presenting a few simple keys to define your value proposition differentiate you from the competition without putting at risk the stability of your business.


Define your value proposition


Something that can be very useful to know your competitors and differentiate yourself from them, is to make a purchase in shops. Thus, you will see how is your customer service, if you serve quickly, if they know their products, if they solve your doubts, the price of the product and shipping costs. All these aspects are key to prevent that a user is from our store.

Record all defects or errors that you notice on the page of your competitors and ask yourself how they work those aspect of your business. In results is easier to find faults in others that our help store and this to try to offer a better service.


The best options to improve your value proposition


To differentiate yourself from your competitors, you have to focus your value proposition on improving the following issues:

-Provide better service

-Offer best operations

-Have a better strategy

-Focus your store toward your ideal customer.



Advantages you can offer:


-Include more forms of payment in your store by offering your customers more possibilities: cash on delivery, Paypal, credit card payment... Each customer is a world and each prefer a different when it comes to paying method. Offer all the possible options.


-Remember that in Alabaz Pro we put at your disposal various modules on payment methods so that you don't have to endure the commissions of payment by paypal, with card or cash on delivery.   


-If you want to know more about these modules only you have to click on the following links:

 Payment module with Paypal surcharge for Prestashop 1.4

Payment module with Paypal surcharge for Prestashop 1.5

Payment module with Paypal surcharge for Prestashop 1.6

Cash on delivery payment module with surcharge for Prestashop 1.4 and 1.5

Cash on delivery payment module for Prestashop 1.6 surcharge

Module Redsys surcharges or discounts for Prestashop


-It serves customers through social networks or indicates a telephone customer. Offer this service to satisfy the doubts of your customers and try to close sales by phone or through online chat can be a great advantage over your competition.

Alabaz Web we have several modules that can help you in this task.  With the module of frequently asked questions your clients may consult doubts from the page of the product. In addition such matters will be saved so that all users can refer to them whenever they need it.

See detailed information about this module at the following link:

Frequently asked questions about products module for Prestashop 1.4

Module of frequently asked questions about products to Prestashop 1.5 y1.6


You also have the option that your customers send you an e-mail in which you will respond to all your questions. This can get it with the module to request product information

With this module you can add a button with the text "Ask" which opens a modal window in which the client must fill in the fields that appear, such as name, e-mail, phone, and your inquiry about the product.


-Improve your product descriptions with images, text, videos, that will help your customers get an idea more fully what they are buying.

You can help your customers find the features of your products from the list of products with Infoproduclist or improve the display of attributes with Megaatributes.


-Add user manuals or videos explaining how to configure products if it is technology, how to mount them if you are furniture, etc.


Key to transmit the value proposition of your company

When you want to transmit to a client the value that your company offers, you must make clear two things:

-The benefits you bring.

-What slopes you.


It is very important to maintain a balance between these two issues because if the first exceeds the second thing, the customer will feel satisfied with your company. If on the contrary the second exceeds the first, you won't be buying.

Therefore, you must leave very clear the following aspects:

-How your company, product or service to solve a problem or fill a need.

-Benefits provide your products on the client.

-Why should you choose you and not your competitor. You have to make it myt clear your differential value.

-Don't confuse your value with a slogan proposal because it is not the same thing.


You will think everything is fine but it takes a long time and you're right. But all effort is rewarded, and there are certain options that will help you save time with your dropshipping store.


One of those options is to automate imports from your dealer page. In this way you will forget to update the catalog, availability, prices, promotions, etc. of all products you have in your shop.

Your store will always have all the latest news and you won't be behind your competitors.

In addition, no matter whatever your Distributor because there are options for all of them and, if not, from AlabazWeb you will find how to meet their needs.

With Star to Drop You can automate imports regardless of your dropshipper because it works for all.


In addition, with this module you can choose information to import and which not, thus avoid options such as the descriptions are upgraded when you've already improved them to differentiate from your competitors. You can also assign your products to the categories you have created and assigned a carrier.


And, even if you don't believe it, this module just need configuration. You just have to run the import or configure one CRON task in your Hosting. In this way you can decide how often data from your online store will be updated (every 15 minutes, a once a day, twice a day...).


Worried about the management of the benefits? Neither is a problem because Star to Drop allows you to apply a P.V.P. price or a price more percentage gain. You can also determine that percentage to be applied depending on the price range.


As you can see, from AlabazWeb Pro we offer you multiple tools to make your online store differ from the competition and you get all the benefits that you propose.

If you have any special needs so only you have to get in touch with us and we will develop the necessary tools so that you can make advantage of your online store.

Module to apply discounts, promotions 2 x 1  - Addons from PrestaShop

Module to apply discounts, promotions 2 x 1

Module for building loyalty to your customers offering them promotions, discounts or giving them products in the catalog. You can configure these promotions by date, minimum / maximum of the order.

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