Show all product features from the list

Get to show all the features of your products visible and easily is not an easy task. However, with the module for PrestaShop InfoProductList just tnedras who choose qualities like to show, that simple.

Actualizado: 09/10/2023 988
Show all product features from the list

If you have a shop similar items of different brands, models, etc. is very likely before opting for one, compare your customers price, features, size, color... But this task is very heavy as have to be entering and leaving a product page to another, noting that most like each, but without an overview of all of them. Appliances, furniture, clothing... da same, to buy anything is necessary to compare, and if you can make this task easy in your shop will be much more usable and your customers will thank you.


However, although PrestaShop does not offer this possibility, we have a very simple solution to achieve these objectives: InfoProductList


InfoProductList will allow you to show all the features that you want in the list of items


With this module you will be able highlight all the features your products in a fast and easy way. You can choose what information you want show in the Home and create as many attributes as you want depending on your store products: height, width, depth and weight...


Tienda con módulo InfoproducList. Detalle de las catacterísticas de los productos desde la home de una tienda online


To achieve this, you should just create all the features you want and decide which of them want to show in the home.


You will be able to easily increase the usability of your store

With InfoProductList you will achieve that your customers easily know the characteristics all your articles, that they can compare and choose the one that most adapts to your needs without moving from the list and made your purchase in a few minutes.


Discover all the features of InfoProductList in this nice video.


Your clients easy navigation through your store always is a one-way bet for success. Don't think twice and install InfoProducList in your PrestaShop store.

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