Detectatos serious errors in the Internet Explorer browser

If you are a user of Internet Explorer, you need to know this information. Researchers at the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) Enterprise HP who have discovered and diffused the existence of four serious failures in the security of the Microsoft browser. Known as wakes if you are in danger, and the best way to solve it.

Actualizado: 03/04/2024 833
Detectatos serious errors in the Internet Explorer browser

If you are a user of Internet Explorer, this information you are interested in and a lot.

The National Institute for cyber security)Incibe), headquartered in Leon, warned on Tuesday of four serious security flaws that it is affecting any 32-bit version of the Microsoft browser.


The discovered flaws affect the safety of your equipment

All discovered bugs easier that an attacker could execute orders to distance on the Internet Explorer browser of a user whose computer or mobile phone Windows Phone had been infected previously, for example, with a virus.

Have been the Zero Day Initiative researchers)ZDI) company HP who have discovered and diffused the existence of these failures. From Incibe, they have warned that the security flaw can be used by an attacker to gain access more easily to the memory of the computer and, thus, perform any malicious activity.

Seña del peligro para alertar de los fallos de seguridad de Internet Explorer


Described security bugs affect all versions of 32-bit Internet Explorer, which includes the browsers for mobile devices of Window Phones.

Check if your computer uses a 32 or 64-bit architecture

Recommendations to prevent these mistakes that can generate serious problems on your computer is to check on the characteristics of your computer if you use a 32 or 64-bit architecture.

To do so you have to press with the right button of the mouse icon of "My team". A new window in which you will have the option of "Properties". In the section "Systems" You can check if your computer architecture is 32 or 64 bit.

If you discover that your team works with 32-bit architecture, the best solution is to use an alternative such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox since that, as reported by the Zero Day (ZDI) initiative, since Microsoft have communicated will not pachear this security flaw since they consider being solved in the version of Internet Explorer with 64-bit architecture that is they have installed in the current versions of the operating system Windows.


Candado abierto. Fallo de seguridad


These failures are attached to the news that we met at the beginning of last June in which Microsoft reported that it will no longer support Internet Explorer from the month of January.


AlabazWeb Pro we recommend to carry out all necessary checks to avoid problems on your computer that may negatively affect your PrestaShop store.

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