Usability: the path of simplicity

When you start proof part of e-commerce you realize that there are many concepts and many keys that you didn't have no idea, although you've dedicated to traditional commerce during your lifetime. One of these aspects is the usability. In today's post we'll what exactly and we'll give you some clues to determine if your store complies with the standards of usability.
Actualizado: 10/09/2015 779
Usability: the path of simplicity

If you have an online shop, most likely, that in recent times do not stop to hear talk of the usability. This concept has become the daily struggle of many entrepreneurs who, without knowing very well what it is, strive each day to improve this aspect in its shops in the network.

In this post we are going to explain exactly what is usability and why can become extremely important in your business. Thus, in next entries we we can give you a basis to continue improving little by little and that do not become your worst nightmare.

Usability = simplicity

Usability is none other than the quality of visit When a client accesses your online shop, making things simple. This issue which is evident in the traditional trade, customer enters, looking products, compares, asks the clerk who resolves their doubts and ultimately acquires the product that most interests him, has become a challenge in e-commerce.

Caja registradora antigua de una tienda física

In your online store, usability is measured in a different way, is easy to access your store and find the product that users are looking for?, compare the prices of the various articles?, find information about what they want to buy?, does your store power customers access? In short, do you created your store thinking that the buyer experience is as comfortable as possible? If so, congratulations, because you can have a very usable trade without knowing it. If it is not, as in the majority of cases, do not worry, because it can always be improved.

If you want to know if your store is usable, the first thing you need is to know the Foundation of web usability.

These fundamentals are based on three basic premises:

  • Efficacy: The customer to achieve what you want.

  • Efficiency: Achieve it quickly.

  • Satisfaction: To do so navigating the web site.

Gráfica sobre los fnudamentos de la usabilidad

The characteristics and factors determining the usability of a site are as follows:

  • Ease of learning: determines how long it takes a user who has never seen our shop in know how to use it correctly.

  • Ease and efficiency of use: defines the speed with which they can perform the tasks after learning to use the system.

  • Easy to remember how it works: It indicates the ability of a user to remember how the shop works and how certain basic tasks are carried out.

  • Frequency and severity of errors: It makes reference to the support that is given to visitors to help them against the possible errors that may occur in the system.

  • Subjective satisfaction: Indicates how satisfied are users after having entered the store on the basis of the same simplicity and ease of use.

If your shop does not meet the usability key after this analysis it is time to put hands to work.

If it is not important, remove it

A store is to be usable, the first thing you have to do, is to eliminate all what may cause that the client thinks it is too, and finally, decide not to buy. He thinks that if the client needs to make the slightest effort to complete the buying process it will leave. It is as well.

Bebé utilizando un ordenador. Sencillez y usabilidad

The key is to look for simplicity, clarity. You have to get the elements of your store to appear in a neat and attractive, without large paraphernalia that misleading the main objective of your business customer: sell. Therefore, that lately many shops with white backgrounds and very attractive images. Then that same must achieve in your home, your product shine and stand out within your online store.

Standards, the way forward

Many times we get creative and think about changing things. This may very well be, but think about it, if the customer has internalized the purchase button is to the right of the image really sounds good idea put it to the left? This kind of standards you will mark the path that you must follow in the design of your store and not good to change them because customers make such actions automatically. What happens if suddenly can't find the shopping cart button, or do not click in the logo and do not reach the home? You will probably have to say goodbye to a sale.

Therefore, in usability issues, follows the easy way, get what is already established and let your creativity for other fields.


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