Always the best price with the best quality
One of the most important premises for us is to keep the quality of our products and services and, for this purpose, it is necessary to count with the work of real professionals who work hard and who have formed for years to be great experts, what they deserve to see their efforts rewarded.
Also consider very important to offer the best modules and services to your PrestaShop online store, but we will not suffice to give you an offer for a day, we prefer adjust our prices throughout the year, so you buy the product when you really need it, not when there is a promotion.
Even so, and to reward your confidence and your faithfulness, in AlabazWeb we will offer you discounts and promotions of different terms at different times of the year.
These offers will be published in our website; and also through our accounts in social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. In the event that you find some kind of offer that has not been published in these media have not been published by us, not you fies!. When in doubt consult us by writing an email to [email protected] or by calling 91 874 68 57.
Promotions will be subject to the guidelines described and marked on the conditions each of the promotions and/or discounts, according to the terms specified in the web page.
Discounts and promotions are not cumulative between them.
Any discount or promotion will you apply also the terms of use and general conditions of sale described in the website.
In addition Alabaz has a permanent discount that you can avail any day of the year:
-Get the 20% discount from the second purchase a same module, provided that the value of the same exceeds €60, according to the version of the module. This discount is not compatible with other specific promotions that can be carried out in AlabazWeb.
If you have any questions you can contact us here, writing a ticket from your client area in the section 'Submit a ticket', by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 91 874 68 57.
You trust only professionals and you'll always have the guarantee of quality that you expect for your PrestaShop online store. And remember, sometimes the cheap comes out expensive.
Don't let the future of your company in the hands of anyone.