Importer for Prestashop of products from Grutinet


Prestashop module to automatically import Dropshipping products from manufacturer Grutinet.

Installation: Installation included
Prestashop Version: PrestaShop 8
(tax excl.)
(tax incl.)
Tax excluded
AWPrime €210.00 info

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Why do I need this module?

If you're thinking about starting a dropshipping with Grutinet, you'll need this module.

Dropshipping is a business mode in which the online shop does not have a physical warehouse but imports a supplier's catalogue database, so that the customer can buy it from your store and receive it from the same supplier. This save money and space the trader since there is no need for a warehouse with permanent stocks.

With this importer you can start selling Grutinet products quickly and easily, because allows you to choose which products you want to offer to your customers and import them directly from the Grutinet catalogue, as well as modifying their classification and prices.

*This module only imports the erotic product catalogue from Grutinet. For the rest of the product, the importer needs The GrutinetDrop.

Thanks to this module:

Your customers you'll have the entire product range of Grutinet with stock and price information updated in just one click.

You you'll save time and space in creating and maintaining your dropshipping store and you won't have to worry about manually updating products, prices or inventory anymore.

All functionalities of the module:

Import the entire Grutinet catalogue in the simplest way

The automatic import module for Grutinet enables the initial import of full catalogue of Grutinet. The initial import is very simple and in a few minutes it will be ready.

Updates your entire catalog automatically whenever you want

From the initial import, updates of products, stocks and prices are made completely automatically by simply setting up a homework CRON on your hosting. In this way, you can decide how often your online store data will be updated (every 15 minutes, once a day, twice a day...)

It only matters what you want

By setting up the panel Importing you can select if you want to import products from a single category, those supplier items that are not yet added to your store, the corresponding file and whether you want to import the images or not. You'll also set up how to import so that your server's load limits aren't a problem. The field Block Ajax it will allow you to update as many lines as you want, reloading one each time you import that number of lines and reimporting. You can choose between importing:

  • - All the data
  • - The stock
  • - Products not listed
  • - Just the product images
  • - Only the categories
  • - Prices
  • - Languages
  • - Weights and sizes
  • - References by name
  • - Refresh the reference table
  • - Assign a carrier to the products.

No more failures, no more mistakes. Everything matters the first time.

Manage your PrestaShop store profits to your liking

This module allows you applying a price P.V.P. or a price plus a percentage of profit the commission's proposal for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights. For example, if the price you pay to Grutinet for a product is €10 and you indicate that the profit percentage is 20%, the final price of that item in your store will be €12.

But if you want this percentage to be only 15% on €50 to €100 products you just have to create a range with this data.

Control everything that happens in your ecommerce

The import module also has a tab called Logs which will allow you to check if the imports have been done correctly or if Cron tasks are launched correctly.

MegaImportGrutinet has more options

The module also allows you to perform a series of actions with which you can customize your store, improve its performance or adjust the process to your needs.

  • - Choose between disabling or deleting discarded products.
  • - Remove all products in one click.
  • - To assign products to one or more categories.
  • - Create your own categories.
  • - Choose whether you want to show or not the videos that may come associated with a file.

Without a doubt, the Grutinet import module will save you many hours of work and help you focus on what is really important, managing with your customers.
