Twitter ads


Tell us what your goals are and us us escargaremos of design and manage your advertising campaign on Twitter to make it a success

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Like other social networks, Twitter is opting to allow users to create their own advertising campaigns. If you think that your potential audience is a regular user of this platform, do not miss this opportunity to showcase your brand and your products from this via escape. For create ads on Twitter the first thing you should know is the right tool, Twitter Ads.

What is Twitter Ads?

Twitter Ads It is the tool to create advertising in Twitter. Thanks to it it is possible to promote tweets or profiles, generate more traffic, get followers and interactions... in order to see a brand, a company or a product.

Create your campaign on Twitter by setting your goals

In works than you need, Twitter Ads allows you to create different types of campaign to achieve your goals in every moment.

  • -Interactions of the tweet: This range hood is designed to publicize a content. 
  • -Clicks on the website or conversions: With this option you will manage that clients are directed to your online store or a landing page specially created for this purpose. 
  • -Installations of apps or apps interactions: If you want to show your audience a new mobile application and allow them to try it, make inquiries, etc. This is the type of campaign that you need. 
  • -Fans: The attention of your potential audience and get more audience for your Twitter account. 
  • -Potential customers on Twitter: Creates a call to action so that your potential clients to send you your email with just one click. You'll increase your leads directly and easily. Now you only have to choose the best type of campaign goals you want to achieve to achieve that the campaign is a success.

Advantages of Twitter Ads for your company

After seeing how Twitter Ads, it is time to know if really, this type of advertising can be effective for your company. These are the advantages that you can get to promote yourself on Twitter:

  • 1 great audience: Currently Twitter has about 320 million users, so it is a large window in which show the world your business, your brand and your products, and even if users are not registered, you can also see advertising. This social network is also growing for what the public will continue to grow more and more. 
  • 2. direct contact with customers: In other ways, customers associated with contact with brands as invasive. This is not the case of twitter, users are wishing that marks answer and relate to them. 
  • 3. participation: Twitter users are very active and write, read and reviewed their profiles several times a day. 
  • 4 segmentation: Twitter offers the possibility of various forms of segmentation of users, allowing you to create campaigns aimed at a very specific audience. For example, you can divide your customers by language, genre, by device... But you can also choose other options very interesting as you divide your audience based on accounts which are, by their behavior patterns or key words. 
  • 5 real time tracking: Twitter makes available to its users the tool of tracking which provides information in real time from your campaign. You will have data on the number of impressions, cost of the campaign, conversions... and you can download the information.

Wait no more and start now to enjoy all the opportunities offered by Twitter to increase traffic and conversions in your PrestaShop store. We will help you to create a campaign to suit you. Get informed!
