MegaPaymentFee: Module to apply surcharges on payment methods in PrestaShop


Megapaymentfee is a module for PrestaShop that allows you to apply custom surcharges to payment methods in your online store. Sets surcharges in percentage, fixed or mixed amount, with the option of including taxes.

Prestashop Version: PrestaShop 8
(tax excl.)
(tax incl.)
Tax excluded
AWPrime €66.55 info

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Why do I need this module?

MegaPaymentFee is an essential module for PrestaShop that allows you to apply surcharges or discounts customised to every payment method of your online store. If you use different paybridges Like PayPal, Redsys or Bank Transfer, you can efficiently manage the costs associated with each, offering transparency to your customers and optimizing your profitability.

Thanks to this module:

Your customers They will have a clearer and safer shopping experience. They'll be there.nominated at all times about the surcharges or discounts applied according to the method of payment they choose. This will be reflected on the order page, invoice and confirmation email, complying with the current regulations and ensuring that there are no surprises in the purchase process.

You. You will have total control over surcharges and discounts of the payment methods of your shop. You can define rates in fixed format, per percentage or both, apply personalized taxes, and set limits on the order amount for which surcharges or discounts are applied. In addition, you can configure restrictions by country or group of clientsadapting the payment strategy to the needs of your business.

All the features of the module:

Customized charges for each payment method

With MegaPaymentFee, you can assign a specific surcharge for each of the payment methods available in your store, as PayPal, Redsys, credit cards or Bank transfer. This allows you to adjust the operating costs of your store according to the fees or fees of each paybridge.

Recharge Modalities: Fixed, Percentage or Combined

The module offers you the possibility of applying recharges in format fixed, percentage or combination of both (fix + percentage). Besides, you can set up a surcharge. minimum and maximumto ensure that rates do not exceed certain limits.

Tax application to surcharges

With MegaPaymentFee, you can apply personalized taxes to the surcharges, ensuring that you meet the tax regulations from your country. This allows you to adjust the rates according to the tax requirements of each order.

Implementation limits

You can define limits for the application of surcharges, both minimum as an amount maximum of the order. This allows you to apply surcharges only when necessary, optimizing the customer experience. Besides, you have the option of exclude specific countries or groups of clientsadapting the module to different business strategies.

Discounts on payment methods

In addition to the surcharges, you can configure discounts depending on the payment method selected by the customer. This allows you incentivizing the use of certain payment methods, improving the conversion of sales and reducing the costs associated with some walkways. It is especially useful when you have groups with special payment methods.

Recharges created as products

The payment surcharge is generated as a product within PrestaShop, associated with the module. This makes the surcharge appear in the invoice as a product line with the name you choose. You can customize it completely, and it will be created globally for all the surcharges that are set within the module, ensuring consistent and clear management.

Recharge management from the module

From the module configurationyou can see a detailed list of all the surcharges you have created and which payment methods are associated with. In addition, you will have the option to edit these surcharges at any time, depending on the needs of your business.

Transparency for the customer

The customer will always be information about surcharge or discount which is applied according to the method of payment chosen. This information will be displayed clearly on the order page, on the invoice and on the confirmation email, ensuring the maximum transparency and complying with the legal rules.

In short MegaPaymentFee is the tool that your store PrestaShop needs to efficiently manage surcharges and discounts in payment methods. Customize every surcharge or discount according to your business needs and make sure you offer your customers a fully transparent shopping experience. This module will allow you increase your income while you optimize costs. Don't stay behind, turn your payment methods into a competitive advantage with MegaPaymentFee!
