Module purchase recurring products


Module to create recurring products and allow customers to purchase their products periodically automatically.

Prestashop Version: PrestaShop 8
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Why do I need this module?

Many businesses sell products customers need time, i.e. recurring products such as products of food, material office, subscriptions, etc you need to re-purchase every two weeks, every month, every 6 months... Both customers and vendors is a waste time having to create and manage those orders again and again. To avoid this situation, from AlabazWeb we have created AwRecurrentBuy. With this module, users can buy their products from recursively and establish the periodicity in which the product will be purchased. The administrator can create recurring products and establish what categories they contain products that you can buy periodically automatically for users.


Thanks to this module:

Your customers You can buy the products that you select as a recurring e indicate When want them to receive and How often.  So never forget to buy a product they need and they can forget it. You can also cancel recurring purchase whenever they want or modify options.

You You can set from the backoffice which products are recurrent and what you're going to allow customers to buy with recurrence. You can also specify how often have to send the product to the customer. You can also have a control stricter products and stock in your store needs.


All the features of the module:

Buy once and forget

With AwRecurrentBuy your customers will only have to buy the product who wish to once, indicate the frequency with which want you to send them the product and forget about.  Recurrences can be for days, weeks or months. What you need.

In addition, you can create products that are already recurrent of itself, without the need of that indicated by the user. Will just have to create the attributes you need to indicate how often should generate a new order with the product reccurrente.

Creación de Atributos compra recurrente

Then it suffices that associate attributes affecting each product (weekly, monthly, quarterly):

Producto creado como recurrente con atributos desde el admin

When the client performing the purchase of recurrent product, will be automatically assigned a new order with that product on the date that corresponds.

In this way not only you can forget having to manage it, and the customer to ask for it, if not you can also have a much more comprehensive control the stock that you need for your store.


It automatically generates the order

You can set how many days before there to send the product has to generate the request. I.e., if the client has indicated that it wants to receive recurring product the day July 8 and we indicate that we want to believed a week earlier, with recurring product order will be created on July 1.



With AwRecurrentBuy you can make a tracking of products have you send recurrently. Since the administration you can see the frequency of shipment of the product, the amount and date of the next shipment... and change the data if necessary.

Página muestra producto recurrente en el back

You can also check from the module itself the recurring products that have already generated as orders, well because already have been sent to the customer, because they are pending to be sent or has been cancelled.


Only those who you want

A way of working with this module is to indicate the recurrence of a product with attributes. However, with AwRecurrentBuy also you can specify what categories they contain products that can be purchased by recursively for the users. In this case will be themselves that indicate how often want to receive the product. Products that can be purchased with recurrence display button "recurrent buys":


El cliente ha elegido comprar este producto de forma recurrente


When you click on "Recurrent purchase" will be the own customer whom choose How often you want to receive product, quantity and what day would like to receive the first order:

El cliente elige cuando queire recibir el producto recurrente

If the customer buys more than one product of a recurring and want to get them all on the same day in a single orderjust have to indicate the same date of receipt of the product.

Control by the customer

The client, from your own user account, you can consult recurring orders, both which he himself has created and which are recurrent from the administration of the store.

El cliente puede consultar sus pedidos recurrentes en su espacio personal

You will have different options depending on the type of request:

  • Orders that have been purchased as recurrent, will allow you to modify the date of delivery, periodicity, number... from your user account:El cliente podra modificar la recurrencia de un producto

  • Orders that are recurring from the Administration may not be modified by the customer, only will have the option of remove them If you don't want to receive that product.

With this module you can also indicate what State go to generate recurring ordersmany which are recurring from the Administration as customers buy from recursively.

When a customer purchases a product that is recurrent because it has been created by the administrator, the recurring order It is not generated until you do not pass by the State indicated in this option. In this way, if the customer cancelled the purchase, for example, recurrent order would not be created.

Estador por los que tiene que pasar un pedido para crearse el pedido recurrente


With AwRecurrentBuy You can more easily and effectively manage your online store and give your clients the possibility to better organize your purchases, without having to place an order every week or every month of a product you need on a regular basis. It is so simple and useful that when you try it you can not stop using it.
