Newsletter creation


We design newsletter created especially for your different clients. Thus you will achieve effective email marketing campaigns

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There are many people who think that the email marketing It does not work, which is annoying and that is useless. However, they are very wrong. It is true that it is sometimes difficult to separate the word mailing of the hated "spam" but it has nothing to do. If you manage to create a campaign of email marketing effectively segmenting your audience, providing them with content of interest and managing to create a direct relationship, you have accomplished one of the channels of communication with your most effective clients that currently exist.

Is email marketing effective?

If you're wondering if it is really worth to devote part of your time and your resources to create a mailing campaign, the answer is emphatically yes. Numerous studies show that the e-mailing:

      • -Has a very superior life cycle social networks.
      • -The rate of ROI email marketing is of the 4300%.
      • -The 80% of consumers prefer email as a means of communication with other channels.

Then, why not it worked you so far? Thus, most likely, because you have not done so well. It is possible that you have not diversified content based on your customers, you have not created content of interest, that you have not kept the periodicity or, simply, that you have abandoned.

What is a newsletter?

A newsletter It is a digital publication that is sent regularly and with some periodicity via email. Consist of interest content, special offers, promotions, new products... for the Subscribers the list of shipping previously they have accepted receive this type of information.

Get your customers to feel unique with your newsletter

The main objective when sending a newsletter is the customer who receives it to feel special, to feel that this email has been created thinking on it and needs. For this reason, diversify your audience and create various strategies e-mailing is essential for the success of the campaign. If you manage your customers to receive those emails as content of quality, relevant information, they will wait for them and receive them warmly, thus achieving effective communication with your potential buyers.

From Alabaz team can help you create your email marketing strategy and, in addition, to design the different newsletter to capture the attention of your customers. Trust our experts and you will achieve the best results of this type of marketing.
